Traditional Backup vs Intelligent Business Continuity

Leading edge business owners are finding traditional backup options unacceptable, due to their inability to recover data quickly and mitigate downtime.
Technological innovations have established a comprehensive new standard, Intelligent Business Continuity (IBC). Only an IBC solution will ensure data protection, data security, instant recovery, mitigate downtime and ensure continuity.
Risk of failure
High risk of failure due to heavy manual administration: 58% of downtime is due to human error.
Fully automated backup process—very little manual management required.
Recovery time
Can take weeks to recover data after a disaster occurs, if the data is recoverable.
Downtime after a disaster is reduced to hours, minutes, or even seconds.
Difficult to test if a backup is working properly.
Automated screenshots are taken of each image-based backup, then emailed to users for verification.
Limited options for encrypting data. May not pass industry regulations.
AES 256 and SSL key-based encryption ensures data is safe and mets industry regulations.