Not for Profit

You want to do good, we want to help.

At Cloud Specialists we assist Australian Not for Profit organisations transform
the way they operate to make a significative impact on the society.
Marist Brothers Province of Australia
Enhanced collaboration

Cloud Specialists helped Marist Brothers Province of Australia become more collaborative, more productive, more mobile. Connect with a specialised technology consultant to find out more.

Ashfield Baptist Homes
Smarter IT system

Cloud Specialists helped Ashfield Baptist Homes move to the Cloud and have an always available IT system. Connect with a specialised technology consultant to find out more.

Global Infrastructure Hub
Always up an running

Cloud Specialists empowered Global Infrastructure Hub with an always available and reliable IT system during the setup of the Sydney office. Connect with a specialised technology consultant to find out more.

Gear up for a greater social impact.

We bring the benefits of innovative technology solutions to the Australian Not for Profit community.
We are ConnectingUp partners and offer a Not for Profit pricing structure to Australian organisations.

Our Not for Profit services aim at bringing about positive outcomes for charities, associations, and other Nonprofit organisations that want to transform the way they operate through technology.

Access the Cloud
IT strategy consulting
End-to-end IT management
Connectivity and Collaboration
Uninterrupted operations

Transform through innovation

Our goal is to empower your organisation with the technical knowledge and strategic advise to maximise the impact on the society.
We specialise in assisting NFP organisations access the Cloud, become more collaborative, secure their technology systems, digitise their operations and mobilise their workforce.

If you are looking for smart new ways to become more productive and more efficient we can help!

Not for Profits insights and case studies

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Operation Smile leverages the Cloud to expand the reach and impact of its work.

Australian Not For Profits Adopts Microsoft Office 365 To Reduce IT Spending and Increase Productivity.

Partners & Accreditations