Cloud Specialists is now certified supplier for NSW Government ICT Projects
The Sydney-based IT Services provider achieved Government accreditation for both Registration Supplier List (low risk contracts valued up to $150,000) and Advanced Registration Supplier List (high-risk contract valued over $150,000)
Cloud Specialists, a leading IT Services provider, has announced today that it has been accepted onto the NSW Government ICT Services Scheme – Supplier List. This appointment means Cloud Specialists is now accredited to supply customer contracts that are low risk or valued up to $150,000 as well as high risk contracts above $150,000 to the NSW Government.
Cloud Specialists has been accepted for a total of 11 sub-categories including:
- Data Centre Services
- Data Centre Equipment
- End User Computing Installation, Configuration and Maintenance including delivery “as a service”
- End User Computing Management including delivery “as a service”
- End User Computing Hardware including delivery “as a service”
- Monitors including delivery “as a service”
- Other End User Computing Devices including delivery “as a service”
- Network Equipment Installation, Configuration & Maintenance including delivery “as a service”
- Network Operations including delivery “as a service”
- Server Installation, Configuration & Maintenance including delivery “as a service”
- Operations Management including delivery “as a service”
This enables Cloud Specialists to provide expert advice to Government organisations on migration strategies, services to assist with actual migration activities (such as migration to Microsoft Office 365, migration to the Telstra IaaS infrastructure and more), provision of services associated with data centre operational activities including “Delivery as a service”, Network Services including installation, management and maintenance of core network equipment, Server provisioning, installation and management.
Cloud Specialists has also been accepted to supply infrastructure items within the data centre including: Servers (virtual or dedicated); Storage System (for example storage-area networks, network attached storage, tape systems, optical systems), Appliances (for example de-duplication appliances, backup appliances); Ancillary Equipment (for example UPS, Firewalls, Routers, Switches); Peripherals (for example racks, leads, cabling).
For more information contact us on +61 (02) 8011 0341 or
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